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Below are the dates we are available to give private lessons 2024. If the date is not listed, we are already booked or unavailable. Choose a date or dates and send them to me along with the type of lesson and the position of the player by clicking the red box above.


Saturday - 1st
10am to 11am
11am to noon

Monday - 3rd
4pm to 5pm
5pm to 6pm


Tuesday - 4th

4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm


Wednesday - 5th

4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm


Thursday - 6th
4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm


Friday - 7th

4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm


Saturday - 8th
11am to noon


Monday - 10th
4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm


Tuesday - 11th

4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm


Wednesday - 12th

4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm


Thursday - 13th
4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm


Friday - 14th

4pm to 5pm​

5pm to 6pm


Monday - 17th

4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm


Tuesday - 18th

4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm


Wednesday - 19th

4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm


Thursday - 20th
4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm


Friday - 21st

4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm


Monday - 24th

4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm


Tuesday - 25th
4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm

Wednesday - 26th
4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm


Thursday - 27th

4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm


Friday - 28th
4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm



Monday - 8th

4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm


Tuesday - 9th

4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm


Wednesday - 10th

4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm


Thursday - 11th

4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm


Friday - 12th

4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm


Monday - 15th

4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm


Tuesday - 16th

4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm


Wednesday - 17th

4pm to 5pm

5pm to 6pm


Monday - 9th

4pm to 5pm
5pm to 6pm


Tuesday - 10th

4pm to 5pm


Wednesday - 11th

4pm to 5pm


Thursday - 12th

4pm to 5pm


Monday - 16th
4pm to 5pm


Tuesday - 17th
4pm to 5pm


Wednesday - 18th

4pm to 5pm


Thursday - 19th

4pm to 5pm


Friday - 20th

4pm to 5pm


Monday - 23rd

4pm to 5pm


Tuesday - 24th

4pm to 5pm


Wednesday - 25th

4pm to 5pm


Thursday - 26th

4pm to 5pm


Friday - 27th

4pm to 5pm


Monday - 30th

4pm to 5pm




Tuesday - 1st

4pm to 5pm


Wednesday - 2nd

4pm to 5pm


Thursday - 3rd

4pm to 5pm


Monday - 7th

4pm to 5pm


Tuesday - 8th

4pm to 5pm


Wednesday - 9th
4pm to 5pm


Thursday - 10th

4pm to 5pm


Monday - 14th

4pm to 5pm


Tuesday - 15th

4pm to 5pm


Wednesday - 16th

4pm to 5pm


Thursday - 17th

4pm to 5pm


Monday - 21st

4pm to 5pm


Tuesday - 22nd

4pm to 5pm


Wednesday - 23rd

4pm to 5pm


Thursday - 24th

4pm to 5pm





Monday - 4th

4pm to 5pm


Tuesday - 5th

4pm to 5pm


Wednesday - 6th

4pm to 5pm


Thursday, 7th
4pm to 5pm


Monday - 11th

4pm to 5pm


Tuesday - 12th

4pm to 5pm


Wednesday - 13th

4pm to 5pm


Thursday - 14th

4pm to 5pm


Monday - 18th

4pm to 5pm


Tuesday - 19th

4pm to 5pm


Wednesday - 20th

4pm to 5pm









Monday - 2nd

4pm to 5pm


Tuesday - 3rd

4pm to 5pm


Wednesday - 4th

4pm to 5pm


Thursday - 5th
4pm to 5pm


Monday - 9th

4pm to 5pm


Tuesday - 10th

4pm to 5pm


Wednesday - 11th

4pm to 5pm


Thursday - 12th

4pm to 5pm













Monday - 6th

4pm to 5pm


Tuesday - 7th

4pm to 5pm


Wednesday - 8th

4pm to 5pm


Thursday - 9th

4pm to 5pm


Monday - 13th

4pm to 5pm


Tuesday - 14th

4pm to 5pm


Wednesday - 15th

4pm to 5pm


Thursday - 16th
4pm to 5pm


Tuesday - 21st

4pm to 5pm


Wednesday - 22nd

4pm to 5pm


Thursday - 23rd
4pm to 5pm


Monday - 27th

4pm to 5pm


Tuesday - 28th

4pm to 5pm


Wednesday - 29th

4pm to 5pm


Thursday - 30th
4pm to 5pm




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